When it comes to interior design, there are a number of factors that contribute to the process of building our dream home. There’s a lot of work to be done, but I think we can all agree that it’s worth it to finally live in the home you’ve always wanted and deserved. However, one part of the work load we constantly under estimate is the planning phase, as it can be harder than you might think to divine exactly what perfect looks like, especially considering the subjective nature of trying to implement the concept of perfection your own home. One thing I’ve found helps out in this regard is simply looking for inspiration from the ways others have achieved this goal. You might find the perfect ideas for your own home handed to you on a platter, or you may just get the ball rolling. Either way, here ar4e a few examples to help you narrow your focus and build a home worthy of your Jos. A. Bank collection.
First and foremost, you’ll want to consider the unifying power of a theme. Themes can make your whole home come to life and give the whole shebang a nice cohesive feeling. One such theme is the ever popular oceanic theme. This theme would start with a color palette consisting of blues and greens that are evocative of the ocean, such as teal, cyan, and seafoam, but don’t be afraid to incorporate smatterings of other colors such as coral to really make it pop. Then, you’ll need some on theme decor to really bring it home. Pun intended. For example, seashells are a great place to start. OTher great ideas include fishtanks, retro diving gear replicas, anchors, and more, and you can always add thematically appropriate paintings, posters, and photos to seal the deal. However, you don’t have to apply a single theme to your whole house. Instead, you could do a unique theme for every room or simply stick to a single themed room, such as your bedroom or living room.